Thursday, June 7, 2007

photo & drawing collage illustrations for website

these are the top level page illustrations for the otto digital site. they're a combo of photos and scanned ink drawings, assembled in photoshop.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

illustrated tradeshow booth concepts and homepage graphics

illustrated a bunch of tradeshow booth concepts for ottodigital's jamie roche. additionally, i created all the graphics for the website. the images below are samples of homepage illustrations. i scanned in my pen & ink drawings, photos i took, and type from books and collaged it together in photoshop.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


there's this lemon tree in burlingame that i love. it's prolific (with it's bearing of fruit) to the point of shaming all other vegetation in the yard. and the fragrance – everyone knows what a lemon smells like but this one is sweet lemonade. it's muscular branches become so laden that tessa (owner) clips down the heavy boughs and leaves them for free out front next to the street.
these are 2 watercolor and pen & ink paintings from a series that i've been working on over the last few months.